Contributing 😇

BlockedScoped is 100% open sourced on Github. New questions and revisions to existing questions can be done via pull request.

Contributing new questions (and answers)

Each topic of questions has its own markdown directory and readme (listing) within the docs directory of the project. Each individual question has its own Markdown (.md) file within the associated topic directory.

Any new question should have a new .md file created in the topic directory and should use the following template (Markdown text can be utilized within all the named slots).

The More You Know 🌈

BlockScoped is built on VuePress which leverages Markdown for easy writing and Vue for its components and layout.


  <template slot='question'>

  ## Question text here


  <template slot='categories'>
  <Category slug='javascript'/>
  <Category slug='nocomputer'/>
  <Category slug='nowhiteboard'/>  


  <template slot='difficulty'>

  <Difficulty rating='easy' />  


  <template slot='answer'>

  Answer text here


  <template slot='reference'>

  [Mozilla Developer Network](




Categories and difficulties are the only exceptions to using markdown within slots. A category or difficulty should leverage their associated Vue component for being rendered (example above)

Specifying Categories and Difficulties

Category and difficulty components reference an existing list of objects (matched by key) for how they should be rendered.

Current categories and difficulties:

const topics = [
    key: 'javascript',
    text: '⚛️ Javascript',
    buttonText: 'Javascript'
    key: 'html',
    text: '🔨 HTML',
    buttonText: 'HTML'
    key: 'css',
    text: '📃 CSS',
    buttonText: 'CSS'

const categories = [
    key: 'computer',
    text: '💻 Computer required',
    buttonText: 'Computer'
    key: 'nocomputer',
    text: '⛔️ No computer needed',
    buttonText: 'No Computer'
    key: 'whiteboard',
    text: '✏️ You may want a whiteboard',
    buttonText: 'Whiteboard'
    key: 'nowhiteboard',
    text: '⛔️ No whiteboarding',
    buttonText: 'No Whiteboard'
    key: 'performance',
    text: '🚀 Performance',
    buttonText: 'Performance'

const difficulties = [
    key: 'easy',
    text: '😅 Easy',
    buttonText: '😅 Easy'
    key: 'medium',
    text: '🤔 Medium',
    buttonText: '🤔 Medium'
    key: 'hard',
    text: '😨 Hard',
    buttonText: '😨 Hard'
    key: 'unknown',
    text: '😵 Not so sure about this one',
    buttonText: '😵 Unknown'
    key: 'impossible',
    text: '☠️ Impossible',
    buttonText: '☠️ Impossible'


New categories and difficulties can be added at docs/.vuepress/categories

New topics should be requested via Github issue as there is a more complicated set up of steps required for adding a topic.

Adding new question metadata

Every topic has an associated .json file that contains metadata on every question. Every new question must have its .json file updated in order for it to be included in the question finder.

These files are located in docs/.vuepress/questionsData

The format for one question should follow:

    // the formatted URL friendly name of the question
    "slug": "name-two-programming-paradigms-important-for-javascript-developers", 
    // the title displayed on the question
    "title": "Name two programming paradigms important for JavaScript developers.", 
    // the full url to the question
    "url": "/javascript/name-two-programming-paradigms-important-for-javascript-developers",
    // the categories associated with the question
    "categories": ["javascript", "nocomputer", "nowhiteboard"],
    // the difficulty of the question
    "difficulty": "easy"

💯 Question Requirement Checklist

Questions must satisfy the following criteria to be merged:

✔️ Question described accurately within question slot
✔️ The topic must be provided within the categories slot with the Category component
✔️ One and only one difficulty is provided within the difficulty slot via Difficulty component
✔️ Answer provided within the answer slot
✔️ Linkable references are provided within the reference slot
✔️ Topic .json file updated in docs/.vuepress/questionData/

Last Updated: 1/27/2019, 12:05:03 AM