True or False. display: none; does not hide elements from accessiblity readers.

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How is the size of an em calculated?

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How is an rem calculated differently from an em?

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How might you target an anchor element that is being pressed by a user?

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Given the HTML below, how might you target only the paragraph with 'Luke Skywalker'?

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True or False. Using px is accessible because users are able to change the font size from the browser.

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Rank the following selector types by specificity value (least specific to most specific):

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What are all the absolute-size keywords?

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What are all the relative-size keywords?

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What does CSS stand for?

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What does the :first pseudo-class do?

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What does the ::placeholder keyword refer to?

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What is an at-rule? Provide an example.

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What is the default size, in px, for 1em?

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What is the default numeric font-weight value for bold?

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What is the default numeric font-weight value for normal?

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What is margin collapsing and provide an example.

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What is Specificity and how is it determined?

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Which link pseudo-classes can override :active when the specificity is the same?

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When multiple declaration apply to an element, which one is used?

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Last Updated: 12/22/2018, 7:28:49 PM